Lions Head Again Today

Lions Head Again Today

Paragliding from Lion's Head with Quin and Cape Town Tandem ParaglidingThis winter has been amazing. Most days have been clear and sunny and warm. The rain seems to have forgotten to come this year! Well we have been paragliding while the sun shines and most days we have been flying from Lions Head.

Today, again, Quin and James from London (Quin is originally from South Africa) joined us for another gorgeous afteroon. After a 15 minute hike up the Lions Head trail we arrived at the launch. Stephan got ready while I did the paperwork (sometimes being the boss sucks a bit) and before long he and james were strapped in and running down the mountain. The glider came up perfectly and with James’ fine running efforts they were soon soaring like birds.

Quin looked a bit nervous as I checked the lines and prepared for our launch. A few pre flight photos, a good run and we were in the air, Quin whooping with excitement.

Flying out over the Clifton beaches is always stunning and I sat back as Quin flew us over our landing area. After some nice big wingovers and some mild profanity from Quin we came in for a perfect landing and the end of another gorgeous day in Camps Bay, Cape Town.

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