Directions to Signal Hill
Directions to Cape Town Tandem Paragliding, Signal Hill launch site, are the same as directions to Lion’s Head but you must drive all the way to the end of Signal Hill Rd (about 3 km further) until you get to the Signal Hill parking area (you can’t drive any further).
You can find us using Google Maps.
Ask for Manu or Tim when you arrive
Call us on 076 892 2283 or 082 963 7729 if you are having any difficulties.
Our vehicle is a white branded (CAPE TOWN TANDEM PARAGLIDING) Toyota Quantum bus.
Directions to Lions Head
We meet at the Lions Head parking area at the start of the Lions Head walk.
You reach this by turning up Signal Hill Drive from Kloof Nek (opposite Table Mountain Rd).
Drive up Signal Hill Drive for 300m. You should see some large gum trees and cars parked along the side of the road. Park here!
On the opposite side of the road is a small National Parks hut.
You will also see the dirt track going up Lions Head with a metal boom at the start of it.
Wait for us at the wooden hut. We have a white branded (CAPE TOWN TANDEM PARAGLIDING) Toyota Quantum bus.
You can find us using Google Maps
Call or Whatsapp us on 076 892 2283 or 082 963 7729 if you are having any difficulties.